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Calligrapher Jan Hsiu-Jung is ...Jui-Feng Fang
TNN台灣地方新聞/蘇炳郎/更新日期: 2016-02-02 18:39:41
圖片來源:書法大師方瑞豐Jui-Feng Fang 提供
Calligrapher Jan Hsiu-Jung is appointed as the 7th Board Chairman of the Chinese International Tourism Association, R.O.C.
Jui-Feng Fang, Chiang-Hua Huang, Shu-Jen Chou, and Yin-Yung Cho are appointed as the Honorary Board Chairmans
Senior advisor of the President Palace Eng-Chi Yao and Pin-Kun Chiang, Administrative-affairs advisor of the Executive Yuan Tsung-Ming Liu and Ming-Hsien Ou, Deputy Minister of Hakka Affairs Council Wan-Mei Chung etc. people have all presented to give their

(Congressional Affairs Forum Global Report/Tokyo Correspondent Chun-Yi Su) The Chinese International Tourism Association that has been established for more than 20 years was founded by Administrative-affairs advisor of the Executive Yuan Tsung-Ming Liu, while the honorary chairman of KMT Po-Hsiung Wu was appointed the honorary Board Chairman. Calligraphy master Jan Hsiu-Jung was appointed as the new Board Chairman at the 7th general meeting of the association. The handover ceremony was held at the International Banquet Hall at the 86th floor of Taipei 101 on January 30, 2016 where ranking officials congregated that was unprecedented.
The owner of the Royal Museum Co., Ltd., Calligraphy master Jui-Feng Fang, the President of Pili International Multimedia Co., Ltd. Mr. Chiang-Hwa Huang, Yu Hsiang Cultural and Educational Institution Ms. Shu-Chen Chou, and Architect Yin-Yung Cho were appointed as the honorary Board Chairman. The senior advisor of the Presidential Palace Eng-Chi Yao hosted the handover ceremony. Former President of the Straits Exchange Foundation Mr. Pin-Kun Chiang delivered a speech to encourage and spoke highly of calligraphy master Jan Hsiu-Jung. He recalled during his service at the Straits Exchange Foundation Ms. Jan has spent seven days and nights to complete the hollow out masterpiece of calligraphy writing “Peaceful Negotiation, Creating Double Win” in pure gold as a national souvenir to present to President of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits Yun-Lin Chen who has visited Taiwan for the first time and left a favorite tale in the cross strait history. Besides, Deputy Minister of Hakka Affairs Council Wan-Mei Chung and Master Jen-Yao Wen of Buddhism have also given a speech and praised Board Chairman Jan Hsiu-Jung greatly with high expectation.
Section chief of Ministry of Interior Chia-Shan Su, Director of Department of Hakka Affairs, New Taipei City Government Dr. Chin-Ho Lai, President of Central News Agency Kuo-Hsiang Chen, Vice-General Manager of Ever Rich Co., Ltd., Sung-Jin Chiang, Chief Operation Officer of Pili International Multimedia Ms. Li-Hui Liu, Board Chairman of Chinese World Hakka Women Association Ms. Yu-Nuan Tang, President of Kinmen Airline Co., Yu-Hsien Han, President of Chi Jiang International Industrial Co., Ltd., Mr. Chien-Hsun Wan, Board Chairman of China Cross-Strait Ties Cartel Association Huang Yun, etc. people have all presented to give their best wishes.
President of Taipei Copper Wire Co., Ltd., Chao-Yuan Lin, President of Quemory Hotel Hou-Hsing Peng, Director of Council for Religious Development R.O.C., Ms. Yu-Hsiu Hung, President of Hope Hotel Co., Ltd., Feng-Lu Yang, and President of Guang Cheng Biotechnology Research Co., Ltd., Sung-Shan Chen were appointed as the Vice Board Chairman. There are General Counsels including: Government Consultant of Executive Yuan Ming-Te Hsu, President of Radium Life Tech Co., Ltd., Jung-Hsien Lin, former National Assembly Delegate and Administrative-affairs Advisor of Executive Yuan Ming-Hsien Ou, President of H & B Housing Yao-Kun Wu, Director of Chinese Ancient Jade Cultural Research Society Ying-Hao Wan, President of the International Banquet Hall of Taipei 101 Wen-Pao Chou, Chairman of China Renaissance Party Shui-Tsun Wang, President of Taishan Group Yueh-Lin Jan, as well as Founder of Wu Tao Dining Group Chao-Jen Li. Furthermore there are also consultants including: President of Advance Technology Co. Ltd., Wen-Lung Su, etc. as well as VIP guests such as: President of Wen Hsin Automobile Wen-Hsin Ting, etc., that were too numerous to enumerate, while those guests who attended the ceremony were warm hearted to create a lively and animated atmosphere at the party. The congratulations and blessings are heard that you feel like it is a warm up for the eminent Chinese New Year.
The owner of the Royal Museum Co. Ltd., Calligraphy master Jui-Feng Fang has given a speech on behalf of the honorary Board Chairman who spoke highly of Board Chairman Jan Hsiu-Jung and praised her greatly. According to Dr. Fang, Ms. Jan Hsiu-Jung is “a legendary figure in 5000 years of Chinese” and generously pledged for charity donation together with the President of Pili Internaitonal Multimedia Co., Ltd. Mr. Chiang-Hwa Huang to buy the pure gold “Heart Sutra” written by Ms. Jan to sponsor the association and had a Go for Taiwan, which was pleasure of appreciation. Board Chairman Jan has expressed her gratitude on site right away and the applause never stopped.
According to Board Chairman Jan Hsiu-Jung, tourism is not her expertise but the support and encouragement of many VIP have given her confidence to achieve certain goal and make contribution for Taiwan. Ms. Jan further emphasized that she will put more efforts on promoting domestic and overseas tourism and strengthens up cross-straits exchange and visitation with artists so as to live up to the expectations of the general public. Let us work together to give Taiwan a Go! Thank you again!
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