(国际同心会/国际学士院/杨松林云南報道) 中国瑤医瑤药師杨松林先生,广西壮族自治区柳城县人,以一生志业参加和组织针对贫困山区特困家庭的学龄儿童进行爱心帮扶活动,于2009年成立了一支公益团队,「瑶德生态公益」长年致力于为大瑶山的贫困家庭助力!致力于推广瑶医瑶药文化,发扬光大瑶医瑶药的民族魁宝!致力于让瑶医瑶药走向世界,造福人类,令人敬佩!
Mr. Yang Song-lin, Yao Medicine Pharmacist of China, and Liucheng County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, participated in and organized caring support activities for school-age children from poor families in poverty-stricken mountainous areas. In 2009, a public welfare team was set up. Yao De Ecological Public Welfare has been devoted to helping impoverished families in Dayao Mountains for a long time. Committed to promoting Yao medicine Yao medicine culture, carry forward the national treasure of Guangda Yao medicine Yao medicine! It is admirable to devote oneself to making Yao medicine go to the world and benefit mankind.